Need to make a claim?
The Hollard Insurance Company Pty Ltd (Hollard) is the claims administrator for Seniors Home and Contents Insurance, so if you need to make a claim, Hollard’s claims consultants are ready to help.
Take a look at the steps below. If you still aren’t sure what you need to do or how our claims process works, please call us on 13 13 43. We’re available 24/7 for you to lodge a claim or for emergency claims where your home is unsecured or unsafe to occupy. For other claims enquiries, please call us and we’ll be happy to help.
Stay Safe
Make sure you and your family are safe and secure.
Do what you can to prevent further loss, damage, cost, or liability.
Call the police if required by law or your policy.
Gather Information
Don’t forget to obtain as many details as possible if another party is involved, including their name, address, and insurance details.
If you have your phone or a camera handy, take some photos of the incident.
Do not:
- admit guilt, fault or liability except to the police;
- offer or negotiate to pay any claim;
- approve any repairs, except essential repairs needed to minimise or prevent further loss or damage;
- or dispose of any damaged property.
Claim Online or Call
Tell us what has happened straight away.
You can now log in to your Home, Contents and Landlords Insurance Account to start your claim.
If you have already registered an account, please Login to claim online.
If you haven’t yet registered an account, please Register an account and then claim online.
Call us on 13 13 43.
What happens after you make a claim?
Below is an overview of what to expect after you’ve made a claim. Remember, if you have any questions or if you'd like to know how your claim is progressing, you have a personal claims agent who can help you.
We will organise quotes from our network of Hollard Insurance builders and repairers. They’ll inspect the damage, organise any emergency repairs and write a report.
We will assess the quotes and damage, and thereafter give approval to repair the damage or replace your goods.
Home insurance: The builder or supplier will get in touch with you about repairing the damage. If you need to pay an excess, this is usually paid directly to the builder when they commence work.
Contents insurance: The supplier will contact you about replacing your items. If you need to pay an excess, this is usually paid directly to Hollard Insurance, or deducted from any cash settlement.
Relax and let us take care of everything else.
We will pay the builder or supplier.
Protect your investment plans today
Protect your rental property today and get a quote from our friendly team on 1300 594 204. You can also request a call-back at a time that suits you.